Thy WHY behind M.I.S.

The “Why” behind M.I.S

Family, Unity, Community and Legacy

“I got it from my mama”

Time to reminisce

Remember when we were kids and mom would yell “Don’t jump on the bed!” or “don’t eat all that candy on one sitting”? Yup! Those were the times… I guess, there are a lot more meaningful talks I can remember from my mom, but the point is… she was right! And because of my ignorance, and rebellion.. I learned I was wrong! At the time though, I’ll admit it…it  seemed waaay more fun to jump on the bed or climb to the top of the closet for those hidden candies and eat them all! Mom advised me and warned me not to, but I did it anyway! The consequences from those particular two times…

  1. Jumping on the bead = broken  head and trip to the E.R.
  2. Eating hidden stash of sweets= stomach ache and visiting another room in the E.R.

Not a pleasant time at all. However, one thing I do remember; the loving embrace of my mother regardless of my disobedience and ignorance was PRICELESS…. And that would never change until she passed away at 52.

I suppose the irony behind my point is, despite my ignorance or disregard of my mom’s advice she always had the same immense love for me and her family. She probably thought to herself “Well… God gave me a child that likes learning the hard way! It’s ok, i’m blessed to lead by example, teach him, love him because he’ll grow up one day, and he’ll understand what love actually is.”  I’m not a philosopher, or a psychologist, but at 35, in a comedic kinda way, looking back, one can definitely assume at least from a mother’s perspective, that love means many trips to the E.R, seemingly giving advice to a wall and hoping something sticks!!

I’m blessed to say without the patience and love of my mother I probably wouldn’t have the morals, and the conviction to be a loving friend, family and neighbor! My mother was a loving woman that would infect a whole room with her charm, laugh and love. She believed in a loving family, unity and helping the community. I believe her spirit is still very much alive and it’s reflected in my business! This, is the Why behind Monreal Insurance Solutions.


A little boy & his mother were crossing a River…

Mother– “please hold my…hand..”

Boy– “No mom, You hold my hand.”

Mother– “Whats the difference?

Boy– “If I hold your hand & something happens to me… Chances are that I may let your hand go but if you hold my hand… I know for sure you will never let my hand go…”


Why Insurance?

Let me start off by saying this- Insurance itself isn’t exciting.  In fact, it’s boring! No one that is in this field that I know has said when they were little “I want to be an insurance agent when I grow up” or “I want to own an insurance agency.” On the consumer side, no one during the holidays say, “I hope I get a nicely wrapped full coverage insurance policy for christmas!”

However, with that being said, many people want to make a difference in this world. They want to create a legacy and be remembered years to come as “the person who made a difference.” Such as my mother made a moral impact in my life, It’s my duty to continue her infectious love in my personal life, my career and now my business.

I don’t look at insurance as a bunch of “complicated insurance words on a paper” or a document in your glove compartment that tells a cop you have fulfilled “the law.” I look at insurance as my opportunity to help people in times of need embrace them when they encounter a disaster in their lives, look them straight in the eye and have the confidence to let them know “Everything is going to be ok!  Your hard work will not go in vain.” I take an educational and serious approach when selling insurance products because I’m very much aware I’m not selling a shiny new car, or a newlyweds new home, I don’t sell a tangible product. I sell hope! Hope that one can accomplish their goals in life and eventually create a legacy their family can enjoy for years to come. When disaster strikes, my clients do not need to take 5 steps back to re-organize their life and move forward, they can continue right where they left off!